
We are international event agency, that has been providing production and marketing services in the Czech Republic and Slovakia since 2010.


During this time, we have managed to build strong relationships with our clients, for whom we provide events of all kinds and sizes. Providing professional staff, logistics, warehouse and quality photo and video documentation is a matter of course for us.


Our team is young, creative, proactive and above all flexible. We approach each client individually and seriously. 


We are not afraid of challenges and look for the most suitable and attractive solution for each activity we implement. 

We want to surprise. And we want to surprise you with our abilities.


Ing. Jan Šafář, Dis.




event marketing

Do you know what event marketing is? There is no clear definition and maybe that’s why it’s the biggest challenge for us.

custom branding van

In the beginning, there was a car. Then from a car became a bar. From the bar became a podium. Then the stage was a mobile party. Maybe.

graphics and promo materials

 Starting with a tissue sketch, graphics for 3D visualization to the printing of promotional brochures

website and eshop

Single operation of the eshop itself is easy. But creating a new concept together with the client is a challenge!


You meet them at promo tastings in shops, at festivals when they walk among people and sell a product or present the work of a famous architect.

warehouse and warehouse system

We store material for most of our clients. All year or during the season.


The conference doesn't just mean a white name tag with a lanyard around the neck and a branded notebook with a pen.

consumer competitions

Consumer competitions are one of the important business tools of large brands. It is a great challenge for us to provide a complete service for such a comprehensive activity.


Long-overlooked creativity is becoming increasingly important. We are fully aware of this fact and we do everything so that our activities are not dull and stereotypical.

Staropramen 150 years

birthday in style

Philip Morris party

mejdan pro zaměstnance továrny v Kutné Hoře

Corona Chill Out Zone

summer festival zone

Hoegaarden BOAT

branding of the Hoegaarden flagship.


global meeting of bartenders Jägermeister Hubertus Circle

Sládkova lemonade TOUR

roadshow Sládek's lemonade

WAI Moment Promo Tour

Hard Seltzer Wai Moment became a summer hit

V hlavní roli Hendrick’s Gin

Když si Karel Zeman a Jules Verne chtějí připít, sáhnou po ginu Hendrick's.

s podpisem šafy
